The Paradise Business Directory provides information on businesses located within the Town of Paradise. Residents and visitors can use this directory to find attractions, accommodations, restaurants, retail shops, services, and much more.The directory includes contact information, addresses, maps, as well as links to external websites and social media pages.
Please note that the directory is populated with information provided by businesses. The Town of Paradise works to ensure the directory is up-to-date, however we cannot guarantee that information is completlely accurate or exhaustive as individual businesses are responsible for creating and updating their directory information.
If your company is new to Paradise, not yet listed in the directory, or requires updates, please visit the Registration Page to provide us with your information. All entries are reviewed prior to appearing in the directory. Listings in the Town directory are free to all businesses. Companies must be located in Paradise and be in good standing with the Town.
Contact Us
Town of Paradise
28 McNamara Drive Paradise, NL A1L 0A6, Map this location
T. 709-782-1400, Email Us