The importance of protecting our environment is a global movement - here in Paradise we need to step up and do our part, and the Green Goal can help us do just that.
The Green Goal is all about small steps that can make a big difference. Together, we can produce less waste and create a greener and healthier environment. When we all do our part, big change happens.
Let's start with the 4 Rs - Reducing, Recycling, Reusing and Repairing - and rethink about what you throw in your trash bin. Together we can produce less waste, recycle as many things as we can, use less single use products, and repair broken or old items instead of tossing them aside.
Start thinking about waste diversion now, so we can plan for a better, brighter, and more beautiful future. Making small steps now is a huge step forward for a more sustainable future.
Explore our Green Goal resources.
Learn more about reducing, reusing, recycling and more!
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Contact Us
Town of Paradise
28 McNamara Drive Paradise, NL A1L 0A6, Map this location
T. 709-782-1400, Email Us