The 2017 Budget for the Town of Paradise was unveiled during the regular public council meeting on December 6, 2016. The 2017 balanced operating budget of $36.6 million maintained the residential mil rate of 6.8. There were no changes to the water and sewer rate or to the commercial mil rate.
The major initiatives included in Budget 2017 are:
- $5.2 million federal-provincial cost-shared funding to upgrade the wastewater treatment plant to ensure compliance with the federal wastewater regulations;
- Metrobus pilot project expanded to include Saturday route;
- Continued road work and infrastructure improvements including traffic light sequencing at three intersections along Topsail Road (McNamara Drive, Paradise Road and Karwood Drive) and at the crosswalks on McNamara Drive;
- $900,000 for work on Sunvalley Drive; and
- Improvements to Dianne Whalen Soccer Hut, continued enhancements for Paradise Park, and skate park equipment for Camelot Crescent playground.
Budget 2017 Documents