The 2018 Budget for the Town of Paradise was unveiled during the regular public council meeting on December 19, 2017. There is an overall decrease in the Town's operating budget from 2017 of 2.4 percent. Budget 2018 maintains the residential and commercial mil rates of 6.8 and 11.5 respectively and continues to offer the current level of Town services and programs.
The major initiatives included in Budget 2018 were:
- $2 million for the upgrade to Clearview Heights;
- $1.5 million for a roundabout at the intersection of Topsail Road / McNamara Drive / Clearview Heights;
- $1.5 million for Phase III of Paradise Road upgrades;
- Infrastructure Improvement Fee reduced from $3000 to $2500 for both residential and commercial builds and developments;
- New Waste Disposal Assistance Program will offer a rebate to assist with the cost to have residential septic tanks pumped;
- $500,000 to work with Town sporting associations to leverage additional funding to assist in recreational facilities improvements; and
- increasing the snow clearing budget to address snow clearing in cul-de-sacs.
Budget 2018 Documents