Junior Male Athlete of the Year: Nicholas Quinn |
Nicholas Quinn competed for our country at an international sporting event in August and brought home several medals. At the 2017 World Dwarf Games in Guelf, Ontario, Nicholas, who was only 10 years old at the time, was part of 440 athletes from 22 countries competing in the largest games of its kind to date. He was part of Team Canada which won a total of 105 medals at the event, and he brought home a total six of those: five gold and one bronze. Part of the Junior A Division, he competed in Boccia-Singles, Badminton Singles, Basketball, Floor Hockey, Soccer, Swimming 35 m and 50 m Freestyle events and Table Tennis. He was also recognized in the House of Assembly for achievements and athleticism.
Junior Female Athlete of the Year: Lauren Mills |
Lauren Mills is a talented gymnast who trains with Campia Gymnastics. In 2017 she placed fifth all around at the Sand Dollar Invitational in Orlando, Florida, first all around at the Dream Big Invitational, second all around at the Provincial Gymnastics Championships and first all around at the Atlantic Canadian Gymnastics Championships. She also placed second at the Eastern Canadian Gymnastics Championships and qualified for the Canadian Gymnastics Championships placing eighth overall, a historic ranking for the province at that event. Lauren has also qualified for the Elite Screening Event, the first athlete from the province to ever compete at this event. A member of the Gymnastics NL’ s Advanced Training Squad, she was Campia Gymnastics Female Athlete of the Year, a finalist for provincial athlete of the year, and athlete of the week. Lauren's mother accepted the award on her behalf.
Male Athlete of the Year: Erik Joy |
Erik Joy is no stranger to the Paradise athletic community. He is currently a fourth year Chemical Engineering Student at McMaster University where he is captain of the varsity wrestling team. Last year Erik competed and placed in a number of events which led to gold at the McMaster University Open, silver at the OUA Ontario University Championship and bronze at the University Sports National Championship. He has received the Premier Athletic Awards for the seventh straight year and for the third straight year he has won a Sport NL Award for athletics and academic achievement. Wanting to share his love of wrestling with others, when Erik was home over Christmas he hosted a wrestling camp, which is already planned to be an annual event. Erik's mother accepted the award on his behalf. |
Female Athlete of the Year: Lindsay Hollahan |
Lindsay Hollahan is lifelong, third generation resident of Paradise who competes as a classic powerlifter, a strength sport where competitors make three attempts at three lifts - squat, bench, and deadlift- to obtain a total weight of their best lifts. Lindsay only started powerlifting in January 2017 in a beginner class and participated in her first completion in April 2017 where she set a provincial record for her category. During this meet she won gold and also qualified for provincials, regionals, and nationals. In June she competed in provincials and broke her own record and won another gold. In October, she went to regionals where she overcame injury to finish first for Atlantic Canada. Lindsay is a member in good standing with the Canadian Powerlifting Union, and has successfully completed the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) True Sport Clean course.
Coach of the Year: Raeleen Baggs |
Raeleen Baggs is an individual who was once a provincial elite athlete and is now described as becoming an elite coach. In 2017, she was the Head Coach of the Girls U15 Premier Youth League team for Paradise Soccer Club, Head Coach for the girls U13 NLSA Provincial Team, coach for the grade 8 girls basketball team at Mount Pearl Intermediate and a coach with Newfoundland Wheelchair Basketball. For soccer, she is working to build the girls program and have teams that can challenge for Provincial Titles. Raeleen is continually working to improve herself as a coach and last year successfully completed the Provincial B Soccer Coaching License, the only person in the province to complete the required training in 2017.
Youth of the Year: Erica Bennett |
Erica Bennett is an honour roll student at Holy Spirit High School who holds a part-time job while volunteering and being involved in her community. She is a youth counsellor, youth soccer referee, captain of her high school girl’s rugby team, and a sergeant with the 905 Vikings Air Cadets. Erica has been part of Girl Guides for over 12 years and is now a junior leader in Brownies leading the badge component. She has received Silver Level in the Duke of Edinburgh Awards, the Chief Commissioner Bronze and Silver Award from Girl Guides of Canada, and a youth firefighting leadership achievement certificate. Erica has also participated in Skills Canada with Team NL and was one of five guides from this province to attend the Ignite, Inspire, Innovate Youth Conference for Girl Guides. |
Volunteer of the Year: Jennifer Dooley |
Jennifer Dooley has been heavily involved with sport and volunteerism in the Town of Paradise for many years, wearing many different hats. She was a building member of the Paradise Minor Hockey Association and also lobbied with the Town to bring the Paradise Double Ice Complex to fruition. She has spent countless hours fundraising, coaching, organizing, and advocating in many athletic programs for youth. Jennifer is Vice President of the Paradise Minor Hockey Association as well as Head Coach and Coordinator of the Association’s LTS program. She also spends a great deal of time fundraising for Paradise Minor Hockey and through her efforts, helped raised almost $25,000 in 2017.
Volunteer Group of the Year: Paradise Running Club & 905 Viking Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron |
The Paradise Running Club is a group of individuals who are often seen along the trails and ponds within the Town of Paradise. They love to run and offer support, not only to each other, but also to the entire community. They are often seen wearing bright yellow jackets while giving freely of their time to help with things such as Curby Clean Up Day, the Tely 10, Claire’s Yard Sale for the Janeway, the Paradise Triathlon, and the Five and Dime Road Race just to name a few! In 2017 the Club was out in full force during the Town’s Snow and Ice festivities where they also organized and executed a Family Fun Run and then donated all funds raised to the Paradise/CBS Food Bank. This group of dedicated individuals are best known for their drive and determination and last year hosted two 10-week Learn to Run Clinics which required 60 volunteers for each session.
905 Viking Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron is a group of enthusiastic individuals who offer continuous community support within the Town of Paradise. In 2017, the Squadron was involved in various Town events including both Snow and Ice in Paradise and SunSplash, Curby Clean-Up Day, the Girl Guides Haunted House, and Guy Fawkes Night. They were also seen giving freely of their time and talents to assist with wreath laying and flag raising at the Memorial Day Parade, the Korean War Memorial Ceremony, and the Remembrance Day Ceremony. Outside of the Town, the Squadron has participated in the Tim Hortons Brier, the Teen Challenge, a 5K Run for the Air Cadet League, and a wake-a-thon for Easter Seals. Despite busy weekends and long training exercises, this group makes volunteering a priority.
Citizen of the Year: Tara Lynch |
Tara Lynch is described as promoting the values of being a good citizen through her everyday actions -she leads by example. While juggling a full-time career and a young family, she finds time to volunteer and support several organizations. Tara is Chair of the School Council at Ecole Holy Family, and was involved in the Santa Claus Breakfast, the Jingle Hop, and Family Fun Night. She was instrumental in bringing the Kids Eat Smart Breakfast program to the school and regularly volunteers at the program. To encourage active living among the students, Tara started a basketball program on Sundays for Grade 3 -6 students. She also serves as an executive on the Paradise Minor Hockey Association and the Mount Pearl Paradise Figure Skating Association.
Business Excellence: BELFOR |
BELFOR demonstrates progressively high ethical standards and a notable level of environmental responsibility. The impressive support they provide for their staff, combined with their focus on public interest has allowed them to build a sustainable and long standing branch here in the Town of Paradise. In 2017 they demonstrated a significant growth in sales, while employing 179 staff in Paradise. BELFOR is an active and passionate sponsor for many events and facilities in the community each year; and has an employee hockey team who works enthusiastically to promote them. Their excellence in business is demonstrated in their innovative approaches, which continually challenge and improve industry standards in many of their lines of business. They are a strong community partner, support and volunteer for a host of organizations and activities, and contribute to over 15 causes and charities right here in Paradise.
Property Pride: Irving Oil |
Irving Oil has recently taken major steps to improve its property with large-scale renovations and upgrades. Located on Topsail Road, this property is in a high-traffic area and has already benefited from its many recent enhancements. Taking place from September 2016 to May 2017, improvements and additions Irving made to the property has made it an even more popular spot in Town. Enhancements to the space and building include the addition of new, clean and modern finishes; additional external lighting; several landscaping improvements; and a focused effort to make the most out of the property’s space. Through these improvements Irving Oil has effectively improved the overall safety, security and service function of its property. The property has truly taken on a new, exciting, and vibrant look, and has a welcoming curb appeal to everyone, with an inviting aesthetic both inside and out.