Looking for an application, licence or permit? Check the list below:
Access to Information Request ¦¦ Email
Accessory Building / Accessory Uses Application (Fences, Decks, Sheds etc.) ¦¦ Email
Vendor Permit Application ¦¦ Email
Advertising and Signage Application ¦¦ Email
Commercial/Industrial Application ¦¦ Email
Commercial Vehicle Permit ¦¦ Email
Dog / Cat Licence Application ¦¦ Email
General Contractor Registration ¦¦ Email
Home-based Business Application ¦¦ Email
Infrastructure Installation / Road Cut Permit Application ¦¦ Email
Municipal Plan and/or Development Regulations Amendment Application ¦¦ Email
Residential Building Permit ¦¦ Email
Subdivision / Excavation Application ¦¦ Email
Taxicab Operating Licence Application ¦¦ Email
Volunteer Application Form ¦¦ Email
Water and Sewer Permit ¦¦ Email
Please note: All application payments are required to be paid in full within 60 days of the date the applicant is notified that the permit is ready. Failure to pay will result in the cancellation of the permit application.
Contact Us
Town of Paradise
28 McNamara Drive Paradise, NL A1L 0A6, Map this location
T. 709-782-1400, Email Us